Why Choose Us?

Strong ties to the community. Firestone, Brehm, Wolf & Whitney LLP has been a part of the Delaware County community for more than fifty years. We take our standing in the community seriously, and work toward strengthening ties not only professionally but personally. Our attorneys live in Delaware County and are well-known here.

Dedication to establishing relationships. We believe in establishing positive, long-
lasting relationships with our clients. We are not a one-time attorney for a one-time client. Instead, we represent clients and families over and over again, on a variety of matters, sometimes for generations.

Client-centered service. When you have a legal issue, you want answers. We understand that your need is pressing and, to the extent possible, we will provide you the best customer service possible relative to the fees we charge. As part of that commitment to you, we will return your calls to us promptly. And we will prioritize your matter properly relative to other matters in which we must respond to deadlines established by courts. And, we will provide you high-quality advice and representation.

Experience and knowledge. Our attorneys are experienced and knowledgeable in their fields and are advocates for their clients. Please take the time to read the individual pages on this website about each of our attorneys.

Affordability. No one, neither an individual nor a business, wants to spend money unwisely. Fortunately, we understand that lasting, repeat client relationships cannot be maintained if we unnecessarily run up your legal bills. And, while we will not cut corners or otherwise compromise the quality of our representation, we commit to maintaining lower overhead and lower fees than many other equally qualified attorneys in central Ohio.